Grading Policy

Standard Grading Scale


Percentage grades for the quarter will be based on the following weights:






Tests & Projects












Daily Homework






Notebook Checks

















Test, Quiz, and Homework Policy

Tests will be given at the end of every chapter. Study sheets will be passed out in advance and we will review in class before the tests.

Special projects will be given occasionally to reinforce the material learned in class. They are applications of the topics covered in the text. They will vary in point value and may replace a test for a given chapter.

Quizzes, when given, will be done as soon as students walk in the door. Students will have the first 10 minutes of class to complete them and then I will collect them. They are to check their homework as soon as they are done with the quiz. Quizzes will vary in number of points.

Homework will be assigned and checked on a daily basis (except for test and review days). Students will be expected to follow the Homework Guidelines adopted by the Mathematics Department and provided to them at the beginning of the school year. Students will be expected to do all of the assigned problems in each section. I will walk around the room and check the previous night's assignment while they are checking their answers on the overhead. Homework will receive 2 points for 80% - 100% done (must show all work). It will receive 1 point for 50% - 80% done (must show all work). It will receive no points for less than 50% done or not enough work shown. Students are also
expected to have their homework done (and with them) at the beginning of each period. I will accept homework assignments up to one day late for half credit. Questions about homework problem solutions are to be asked as I check everyone’s homework and will be explained immediately after.

Notebooks will be graded at random times twice each quarter. A rubric will be provided which details what is expected and the points that can be earned. See the Student Supplies section above for specifics on the notebook.

Extra Credit will be offered periodically throughout the quarter. Each will be added into one of the existing weighted categories. Students will be told which categories were used as the graded items are returned to them. That way they can track their grades.

If students are to be or have been absent, it is their responsibility to see me to arrange make up work. I will not keep after them or repeatedly remind them. Also, the number of days allowed to make up missed work will equal the number of days missed + 1. (ex.: if students miss 3 days, then they have 4 days including the day they return to make up the work.) (Under most circumstances, I do not accept late work.)

It is also the students’ responsibility to record the daily assignments and any tests or projects in their student planner. Most of the time, I will print out the schedule for a chapter before we start the chapter, but schedules may change due to unforeseen circumstances. I will remind them to look on the web site, but checking the web site should be part of their regular routine.

Classroom Rules and Consequences


You are expected to follow the general rules of the school and common courtesy. (That means, give respect and you'll get it back.)

  1.  Make sure that you are 100% in the room when the bell finishes ringing. (Consequence: One 30-minute detention during the office hour listed above)
  2. You will be expected to sit in your assigned seat and to have all necessary materials with you when you arrive--NO EXCUSES. This means you MUST have your textbook, calculator, writing implements, binder and paper when you arrive in class. (Consequence: not allowed to go to locker. Take notes on notebook paper. Borrow from classmates and not from me! Or, removal to office if refusal to sit where assigned.)
  3. 3. You will NOT be permitted to have a cell phone, MP3 player, or other technology (which has not been specifically approved by me) in my sight in my classroom! I do not want to see earbuds or earphones in my classroom. I do not want to hear you ask to use your phone as a calculator... bring your OGT calculator as required for this course! Also, purses/bags are to be kept on the floor or over the seat back and not on your lap or on your desk. Hands are to be kept on the desktop at all times. That way I know you are not using technology (that I have not specifically approved) while in class. (Consequence: NO WARNINGS! One 30-minute detention during the office hour listed above for first offense. After that, you will be sent to the office to turn in the technology if caught with something out. I will follow-up with the administrator and your parents.)
  4. Nothing is to be thrown or tossed across the room (including "shooting" stuff into the trash basket). (Consequence: 1 or more detentions, or more severe depending on exact situation)
  5. Class ends at the bell. You will be expected to work and remain seated until the bell rings. (Consequence: One 30-minute detention during the office hour listed above)
  6. The book that you are issued is the one that you will return at the end of the year. The book is to be returned in the same condition as when it was issued. (Consequence: see student handbook)
  7. Do not bring candy, food, games, toys, magazines, newspapers, novels, photographs, or any other form of distraction to class. Items that you are selling for fund-raisers must remain on the floor during class. (Consequence: If I see them, I take them and you may retrieve them from the office or me at a later time.)
  8. Make up tests may be taken during study halls or the SOAR period--NOT DURING CLASS TIME! (Consequence: loss of grade unless extenuating circumstances can be proven)
  9. I do not give many restroom passes. Unless it is a bonafide emergency, don’t ask for one. All restroom privileges are at my discretion. There will be no passes given to lockers, etc....don’t bother to ask for one. (The clinic is the only exception and I verify your presence with the nurse.)
  10. Cheating on quizzes or tests will not be tolerated. I will not say anything to you if I see you, but I will document what I saw and will give a zero score for the work. Then I will warn you that I will be calling your home to discuss the matter. (Consequence: self-explanatory and in the handbook under Honors Violations)

  11. Most importantly: do not talk while I'm talking or while another student is talking to me. Verbal disruptions/ distractions are rude and unacceptable. (Consequence: reprimands, detentions, referrals, removal or whatever is warranted by the severity or frequency of the situation.)
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