Notes from Mrs. Caso

The ClassZone link on the right brings you to the main page for the text book. If you click on the arrow by Student Tools it will expand to show 2 options.

If you click on Test Practice it brings you to a page with a map. Click on Ohio and you go to a page that has several options. Take a Chapter Test will allow you to practice a chapter's materials and then tell you how you scored.

This is a really good way to review for the final exam. Pick a chapter that you had trouble with and do the problems until you get a satisfactory score. Then move on to another.


The Goals and Vocabulary on the left are from all 6 chapters that we have covered so far. That's why the list is so long.

Reflections Prompts

  • None for the review.


5 days on this material


Done in Class:

Homework Assigned:

Day 84:
Go over roughly the first 34 problems of the review packet in class, correcting your answers as we go. Finish the Midterm Review packet.
Day 85:
Finish going over the review packet in class, correcting your answers as we go. Study for the Midterm Exam
Day 86:
Periods 1, 2, & 5/6 take Midterm Exam. Remember to bring your review packet, a calculator, and your notes to class! none
Day 87:
Periods 3, 4, & 7/8 take Midterm Exam. Remember to bring your review packet, a calculator, and your notes to class! none
Day 88:
Periods 11, & 9/10 take Midterm Exam. Remember to bring your review packet, a calculator, and your notes to class! none
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