



I reject that the average words needed to be found to win a round of Wordament is 80 words at any resonable level of significance since the p-value of essentially 0 is less than alpha.  Therefore, there is convincing evidence that a player needs to find more than 80 words to win a round of Wordament.  This conclusion is reasable because as a Wordament player myself, it does take 107 words on average to win a round of Wordament including the rounds that manipulate points.  My average word count per game was about 56 words during the duration of the study.  That puts me at the 55th percentile of all players that played.  My best word count in a round was 84 words during the study.  With those 84 words, I did not win the round.  The person who placed 1st found 140 words during that same round.  Also, finding 84 words put me at the 72nd percentile of the players who played in that round.  Wordament is a competive online word finding game.  Also, the time series plot for total players looks fairly normal with outliers in them.  There is no association between the start dates and times and the total players of the round.