Do student Athletes have higher GPA's than non-student Athletes?

 North Olmsted High School was sampled to find out.

The Study

Sampling Description:

To gather my sample, first, I will gather data on all students in North Olmsted High School which is my population. I would then gather a list of all student athletes in North Olmsted High School and eliminate them as options in my complete list of North Olmsted High School Students. On minitab, I would make two lists, the first being my list of North Olmsted High School students who do not participate in sports and my second being the list of North Olmsted High School students that participate in sports. Then I would use minitab to randomly select 30 students from each list to be my sample to survey.


The descriptive statistics for the Student Athlete GPA's show a mean of approximately 3.28 and a standard deviation of .3616.

The descriptive statistics for the Non-student Athletes differed with a mean of approximately 2.9 and a standard deviation of .3746.



Test Statistics


“Whenever I read statistical reports, I try to imagine my unfortunate contemporary, the Average Person, who, according to these reports, has 0.66 children, 0.032 cars, and 0.046 TVs.” ― Kato Lomb